Sunday, 28 December 2008

Didn’t make it into the final

Rania was a bit upset these past few days……

First she went to a swimming contest for babies. YES, it was a real swimming contest, with a jury, rules and scoring applies. She planned to knock down all the boys, but unfortunately our swimmer got a "stage fright" and cried right before, and during the contest.

Then she catches a bit of flu/ cold from her father. Sniff. So she was a bit cranky and had difficulty drinking milk for a couple of days. Luckily she is getting better today.

And then, she didn't make it into the swimming contest final.

But it's OK; I know it's a bit difficult to make it into the final. This time. (hihihihih).

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Rania's comment on Zouk Out

Rania : (holding a polaroid picture)"Mommy, is that a picture of you partying at Zouk Out last nite? with those Aunties (and an Uncle) ?
Mommy : "Yes, dear, (gulp)"
Rania : "So you left me at home?"
Mommy: "Umm, yess dear, so sorry.. I..."
Rania : "Why dont you take me with you mommy? You know I love to party!!! Will they play Barney's songs or some Nursery Rhymes?"
Mommy : "?????!!!!"
PS : Rania was really looking at the picture. I guess she wandered what her mother and her friends were wearing that night. Oh, yeah, it was really her hand on the picture, she was REALLY holding and looking at the pic.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Killing... errr Shopping Spree.

I went to a shopping spree yesterday, woohoo!
I don't remember the last time I went to such a BIG Sale like that. YES, you can call me a " snob" because normally I don't do "SALE" shopping haha!
The truth is, I HATE Sale. Because it means you need to rub shoulders during the shopping spree with 1 thousand people, just to be able to 'digest' the discounts. Or in other words:
But this time, I just wanna give it a try. And boy, I'm glad I did try it out! It was mostly 50% discounts on everything, from gowns, dresses, to shorts. And again I want to SHOW OFF the dresses I bought in such bargain prices.

Purple Ballon Semi Wool Dress.

Bohemian Classic dress.
A friend who went to the shopping with me told me there will be more Sale in 2 weeks. I guess i'm gonna keep my self busy these next weeks. Dont bother to check my blog. KIDDING!!! Ill keep up the updates of the SALE SHOPPING SPREE , hihihi.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

The Answer is: NO

"God doesn't love me," a friend of mine said to me while we chatted a couple of days back.

"What made you think so, dear?"

"My love life is a mess; my career is rather walking slowly. I couldn't hang out they way I used to with my friends, because, well, they're mostly married. God doesn't love me. I prayed for a happy life, a steady slash exclusive relationship, and a good career. And look at me now. He didn't answer my prayer!"

I stopped for a moment there. I could have answered her question by saying all these mushy-poetic words of wisdom. But then my eyes stumbled upon this newspaper of several months ago that's been lying around on the floor. It says "NO is the answer." It doesn't have anything to do with the topic we discussed, but it inspires me

And so I told her "Honey, God DOES loves you. He DID answer your prayer. He did! And the answer is NO! It is OK to have NO for an answer. You see, in life you don't always get what you want, God would only gives you what HE thinks you'd need. Maybe right now, you don't need a guy in your life. Maybe you need to focus more on your career, so you'll be able to pay your credit card debts (yes dear the CC you use to pay for those Gucci shoes!). Maybe after a while you'll have a savings, in which you can use for your dream vacation. And maybe, maybe, when you least expect it, you'll find your one-and-only at the given moment in time. "

So, whenever next time you feel like God doesn't answer you call; don't make a big fuss out of it. He did hear you, He did answer your call, it just that the answer is NO. And it is OK to have NO for an answer.

…Because everything will have its own time, its own reason, and its own moment to come into your life.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Just a short poem

We are the clothing of our thoughts. Our deep emotions, our deep belief.

So once in a while, wash it out, clean it out, dry, dry, and let it hung dry…

So you'll have a clear conscience of your own. A dry, crisp, clear emotions.

This is what we did on a saturday nite.

This is what we did last saturday nite:
We went to a not-so-surprise party (no photos unfortunately). Then went for Korean BBQ (Again, no photos unfortunately).

Then, we went to Esplanade, and saw this booths that let's people to write notes on balloons that are to be launched this new year's eve.
(sorry,no reveal!)

We wrote down in our "native" language. Yes, my lovely hubby does writes in Javanese characters.
*yes, you can clap hands"

It says : Wishing you a happy new year.

One of our friends wrote down our our one of our Heroic Anthem.

* a True Patriot*

.....Followed by a cup of hot chocolate at... Max Brenner.. (again).

The mug says "hug me" and yes I did.

Unfotunately, this kind of lifestyle is still not "elite" enough to join this "exclusive" Indo - Singapore Mom's groups. Bwahahahahah. Click here for a reminder.

Risna, thanq for your hillarious stories on those Indo Mommies in Singapore :p

Saturday, 6 December 2008

What had happened!!

I'm sorry for not posting for like, eeerr, a week! Gosh!! Thank you to everybody who buzz me, asking for new posts, all are appreciated! Anyway, lotsa things have been going on these past few days.

Last Saturday, we went to a churascaria (hope I pronounce it right), Brazilian meat-lovers restaurant. The waiter-cum-chef would go around bringing meat and stuff, and we can decide on the spot if we want to get the food or not. They gave us these stickers, green for :yes, please and red for :no, thank you.

We can put the sticker on the table…


Put on the forehead. (Umm, the model in this picture is undeniably conscious of her silly pose :p )

After that, we went to a lousy lounge in Clark quay and then to…. Zirca, the new club at the recently-closed MOS's venue.

The concept was rather absurd, sort of fanfare, circus-que ( I have no idea what this word means) club (that's where it get its name Zirca), so we'd see these girls wearing party masks and feather scarf, dance like crazy in several stages. My recommendation? MOS still rules!

Then Rania had her second jab last Monday. Hiks. Poor Rania, her jabs were so painful, she didn't stop crying (or more likely screaming) for 5 minutes!!!. POOR RANIA. Lucky for us, Rania did not have any signs of fever. PFffff.

Afterward, last Friday Rania and I went to a New Mother's Group Xmas Party, where Rania got her first Xmas present and her first photo with Santa.

Sorry, no revealing of Mama Rania's face :D

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Still busy

Forgive me for the very ,very, very late post. I was *again* busy with my life these past few days, not to mentioned there are some *leftover* homeworks to be done. Hiks. Some interesting stuff happened also, so i'll spill it all later on, hopefully tommorow.