Sunday, 2 November 2008

Baby boy or baby girl?

Since my bundle of joy arrived to this world a couple of months ago, most of our relatives and families always told me how look alike my daughter is to her father. This is fine, because in our culture, a daughter who resembles the look of her father is believed to have good fortune/blessings.
But, in some ways, it also can be misleading. See, if she looks like her father, then she looks like a baby boy instead of a baby girl, right?
Exhibit 1
Me, the baby and the doctor, 1 day after her delivery.
Me : Morning doc (still feeling sore from the delivery)
Doctor: Morning, how r u? How’s the baby?
Me : I’m fine, here’s the baby (showing my baby)
Doctor: Ooooooh how cute, what a cute baby boy!
Me : Doc?! She a baby girl, you helped delivering her yesterday!!

Exhibit 2
Me, the baby and my relatives, 35 days later.
Relatives : ooohhhh my god, what a cute baby! What’s his name? Can I hold the baby?
Me : yes sure, ok Rania, Rania, look this way, Auntie here wants to hold you…
Relatives : I thought Rania is a girl’s name? (puzzled)
Me : Yes it is, cute name is it? Well she IS a baby girl (feeling irritated)
Relatives : I see…, well, she’s just look … uum more like,like a baby boy.
Me : what’s that supposed to mean??

Exhibit 3
Me, the baby and my handy man, 2 days ago.
Handy Man : We’re gonna drill, it ‘s gonna be loud. So better bring your BABY BOY outside laaa…
Me : GRGRGRGRGRGR (furious)

Whats wrong with these people, I dress her in pink, red, at most in yellow, using a red stroller and a pink carrier yet people always mistaken her for a baby boy.
I’m gonna put her face here; please tell me what do you see, a baby girl… or boy???










(Joking laa... here is the real picture, and by the way, my hubby doesnt look like rowan atkinson!)


Just... said...

Gendeng kowe

Anonymous said...

hi turike,...
congrats with the cute baby,
I'm going to mexico this november,
trying to stop at Sg on the way back.
Hope can visit your beautiful angel....